Ryan Weaver...
is an independent filmmaker from New Jersey. Drawing inspiration from the likes of Bill Murray and Quentin Tarantino, his writing style is a unique blend of wit and drama. Ryan enjoys creating strong female characters and believes a film's true hook is the antagonist.
His first film, Glass Ceiling, showcased at over twenty festivals (including internationally), earning numerous nominations and awards, including three Best Action Film awards. Ryan was the recipient of the 2017 Xristos Award from the Action on Film Fest.
Ryan earned his Master's in Media Management from The New School in NYC. He currently lives in Zürich, Switzerland with his wife. Most important, Ryan is a die-hard Philadelphia Flyers fan!
is an independent filmmaker from New Jersey. Drawing inspiration from the likes of Bill Murray and Quentin Tarantino, his writing style is a unique blend of wit and drama. Ryan enjoys creating strong female characters and believes a film's true hook is the antagonist.
His first film, Glass Ceiling, showcased at over twenty festivals (including internationally), earning numerous nominations and awards, including three Best Action Film awards. Ryan was the recipient of the 2017 Xristos Award from the Action on Film Fest.
Ryan earned his Master's in Media Management from The New School in NYC. He currently lives in Zürich, Switzerland with his wife. Most important, Ryan is a die-hard Philadelphia Flyers fan!